District Programs and Community Outreach
DCCD works with the public to manage and resolve Current Resource Issues, as un-planned growth and development creates natural resource challenges for the District.
- Remain actively involved in Shoshone National Forest decisions and actions. Seek out all opportunities and communications available to stay informed of proposed and ongoing developments on the Shoshone National Forest within District Boundaries.
- Remain actively involved in Bureau of Land Management Lander Area Resource Management decisions and actions. Seek out all opportunities and communication available to stay informed of proposed and ongoing developments on BLM lands within the District boundaries.
- Maintain and encourage open communication with leaders of the Wind River Indian Reservation.
- Maintain open communication and a cooperative working relationship with the Town of Dubois.
- Open avenues of communication with other resource advocacy groups
- Maintain open communications and cooperative working relationships with area utility companies and their policies.
- Work with Realtors and the Dubois Chamber of Commerce to communicate natural resource information to visitors and new residents.
- Maintain open communication and share education opportunities with other county entities such as, but not limited to: Fremont County Firewise, Fremont County Extension, and Fremont County Weed & Pest.
For some excellent detailed information: Living on the Land Teaching Modules
Current Programming
DCCD continues to reach out to hundreds of children every year though the following formal and informal programs:
International Migratory Bird Day
Soil and Water Stewardship Week
DCCD supports the “Adopt A Rancher” program. The 1st through 4th graders at Dubois Elementary correspond with a local area ranch through letters and pictures. Ranch operators introduce the school kids to the cycle of ranch work-from haying to fall calving to feeding. We’d like to send out a big thanks to all area ranches for taking the time for this project.
DCCD also offers Ag in the Classroom curriculum to any teacher and classroom that is interested. Topics range from crops to worms, from dirt to water quality. Lessons are hands on and are a great way to get kids informed and involved about how agriculture affects us all.
DCCD works with the public to manage and resolve Current Resource Issues regarding soil quality, water use, plants and vegetation, wildlife information and more.
Check back regularly for programs and other events planned within the District.
Gardening with Altitude Series:
There are two separate applications for the cost share program. One is used for greenhouses/hoop houses and the other may be used for all other cost share projects (i.e. - the development or improvement of irrigation efficiencies, windbreaks, weed management and reseeding, water quality improvement, the improvement of grazing practices, stock water development, and habitat enhancement). Applications will be accepted from January 1-April 30.